Do³±czy³: 30 Lis 2023 Posty: 1
Wys³any: Czw Lis 30, 2023 11:36 Temat postu: The minimum interprofessional salary for 2017 is published i |
n compliance with the mandate to the Government to annually set the interprofessional minimum wage, contained in article 27.1 of the consolidated text of the Workers' Statute Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 2/2015, of October 23, we proceed through this royal decree to establish the amounts that must govern from January 1, 2017, both for permanent workers and for temporary or temporary workers, as well as for domestic employees. The new amounts, which represent an increase of eight percent compared to those in force between January 1 and December 31, 2016, are the result of jointly taking into consideration all the factors contemplated in the aforementioned article 27.1
of the text recast of the Workers' Statute Law and take into account the provisions of the single additional provision of Royal Decree-Law 3/2016, of December 2, which adopts measures in the tax field aimed at consolidating the public finances and WhatsApp Number List other urgent measures in social matters. The aforementioned increase takes into account the improvement in the general conditions of the economy, while continuing to favor, in a balanced way, its competitiveness, thus matching the evolution of salaries in the process of employment recovery. This royal decree has been consulted with the most representative trade union organizations and business associations. The minimum wage for any activities in agriculture, i
ndustry and services, without distinction of sex or age of the workers, is set at 23.59 euros/day or 707.70 euros/month, depending on whether the salary is set by days or months. Only remuneration in money is computed in the minimum wage, and the salary in kind cannot, in any case, give rise to a reduction of the full amount in money of the minimum wage. This salary is understood to refer to the legal working day in each activity, without including in the case of the daily salary the proportional part of Sundays and holidays. If a shorter day is worked, it will be received pro rata. For the application in the annual calculation of the minimum wage, the rules on compensation established in the following articles will be taken into account. _________________ WhatsApp Number List |